Friday, September 4, 2009


It's been a while since I had a roommate.

I guess my first roommate was Aakash, my brother.  When he was born, I was 5, and I begged and pleaded with my parents until they finally agreed to put his crib in my room, even though he already had an entire room designated for him.  And I kicked him out after the first night because he cried too much.

My roommate for my freshman year of college was interesting, to say the least.  She was an art student, which provided enough weirdness in and of itself simply through assignments.  But she was also semi-nocturnal, choosing to only work late at night with bright lights, Korean soap operas playing on her laptop, and someone from Seoul on the other end of her cell phone.  Oh, and she was part of this crazy Korean gang that kidnapped all of the freshman every weekend and took them to New York to ingest weird alcoholic cocktails...or so we were told.

After that, I chose to live in a single.  But I suppose you could say that as an RA, I had approximately 35 roommates to love and care for.  Meh.

So, now I find myself in a house that I don't really have to live in, with three people I don't really know.  I'll admit that before I met them, I was reserving my decision as to how much time I would actually spend at the house.  But now that I know that we are all separately and collectively awesome, I'm pretty sure I'll be spending a lot of time here.

Katie, fresh from a year of NCCC at the Boulder, Colorado campus, is originally from Virginia, and is working in Construction.  Aaron, from Arizona, is a VISTA working with green building prospects.  Richard, who I went to SU with, is from Ohio and will be working in Family Services.

So far, we all seem to mesh really well.  We're really chill and seem to have similar tastes in entertainment, although we all do our own thing too..

And best of all...we all love food!  We've been cooking together a lot, and it has been absolutely fabulous!

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