My apologies for being completely absent this week! Life has been crazy with appointments and disappointments, the perils of public transportation, and a sad laptop with some boo boos.
Still, I found some little things to appreciate...
My job requires a boring uniform of navy slacks or skirt, white button down, and a navy blazer. I like to punch it up with accessories when I can, and this week I did it with fun little necklaces.
Okay. Here me out on this. It's crunchy peanut butter on a sandwich thin. With a sprinkle of Trader Joe's Flower Pepper. That's right. Flower Pepper. It comes a grinder with black peppercorns, rose petals, calendula, lavender, and cornflower. I know! It sounds so weird! Flowers in your pepper? Pepper on your peanut butter? But it's SO! GOOD!
I've been spending a lot of time travelling into New York City for various projects, which means lots of time waiting for trains and walking the city streets. Leg warmers have been my savior! They're cute and they keep my stems nice and toasty.
Eggplant chips! My mom fried these up the other night and they were SO DELISH! She lightly dusted them with some flour before frying, and then sprinkled them with some tangy spices. Nom. Nom. Nom.
Please excuse how strange Nickolaus and I look in this screen shot. As I said, I've been having some laptop troubles, so we've been resorting to FaceTime. It doesn't always work too well, but the technology is still impressive when you think about what our cellphones could handle just a few years ago. All in all, I'm thankful to have this available.