1. No more Road Raging.
I get really angry while driving. I mean, I do all of my driving here, on Long Island, where people drive like crazy nutters, so it's not really all that surprising. But it's really not worth getting so worked up over. I've noticed that when I take the time to yell and gesticulate about the guy who just cut me off, it ruins my mood and puts me in a really negative mindset that I have trouble getting off of. So instead I'll just sigh and let it go. Unless someone's life is in danger, it's all okay.
2. No more texting while driving.
I'm really guilty of this one. I didn't start doing it until a few months ago, and I'm pretty good at watching both the phone and the road. I've never even come close to being in a dangerous situation because of it. But I think that has a lot to do with luck. Also, I think that texting while driving should be illegal, so on principle, I'm going to stop.
3. Staying out of Walmart.
I am well aware of the terrible effect of Walmart on our global economy, and I never used to shop there because there weren't any around. But now I live directly across the street from one, and I find myself popping in out of convenience. That's no good. I can drive the extra ten minutes to Target.
4. Blogging more.
I have so many good ideas and topics to blog about! I just keep putting them off, telling myself I'll type it up later...and then I feel like it's no longer relevant. My new goal is to follow up on my ideas as soon as I can, and to be more regular with my updates.
5. Being more conscious of what I eat.
I've been a vegetarian for a little more than a month now. I've been a veggie before, but it's never really lasted long. I tend to eat mostly vegetarian food anyway, but I do still like some meat dishes. Every once in a while I think that meat is pretty gross and don't want to be eating it, and I end up sticking with vegetarianism for a month or so. Right now I'm doing well without the meat, but I'm not promising to stick to that. I am promising to realize what I'm ingesting and why.
6. Rolling with the punches.
I'm a planner. I like to know what's going on and how it's all going to happen. I'm a list queen. But it got to the point where I was getting anxious and/or angry when things were deviating from the plan or chaotic in general. I realized that I can't take myself so seriously. Things are probably going to work out just fine without me freaking out about it. Of course I still like to know where I'm going and how to get there, but I don't want to let all of those Murphy's Law occurrences ruin my fun.
7. Reading.
I used to read like a fiend, and then when I went to college I found that I didn't have any time for pleasure reading. During my four years at SU the only thing I read besides my text books was Harry Potter. I have a huge stack of books that I really want to read, but I never seem to get around to them. I want to make more time for reading. I want to make the decision to read one of my books rather than watching something on Hulu.